Faith Based Organizations

The issue represented here is the unequal access marginalized groups (women, children and LGBT peoples) are given to education, or natural resources. It is also important because these people are constantly robbed of their basic human rights, and are abused by those in power. It is essential to recognize the power of faith and religion into bringing more acceptance and awareness to the people. If a faith accepts a group, or cause, people are bound to do so, and that is what I am trying to portray through this post. The American Jewish World Service is a faith-based organization that supports community-based organizations in numerous third world countries. Their goal is to educate the American Jewish community about global justice, while also helping people gain their basic human rights, and eradicating poverty.  Through the images I have added, it helps portray a story. It is to the contrary to images that we always see of third world countries daily. The one’s I have chosen show happy people, because they are being helped. By representing this information on a map, I think it will make it easier for people to see the trend that is occurring. All of the countries that this organization is helping in are closely situated together. Not only that, but they are all third world countries, whether it be the Middle East or Southern America. It is important to recognize that all these countries are lacking something we have.


American Jewish World Service. Retrieved March 30, 2017 from
